European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal – Vandestreek Playground IPA

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Playground European Beer Star 2022 Gold European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA

” VandeStreek bier Playground nonalcoholic IPA wins the Gold medal in the European Beer Star competition as best new style nonalcoholic beer! The European Beer Star is one of the most prestigious and highly regarded international beer competitions, where the beers are tasted and judged by a panel consisting of 140 international Sommeliers, Brew masters and journalists. The competition is organized since 2004 by the German Association of Private Breweries and rates 2168 beers from 40 countries, who all aim to win this prestigious gold medal.

We are very proud to win this gold medal with our Playground Non alcoholic IPA and very proud to have it served in over 20 countries worldwide! “

VDS Playground 1 European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA
logo large transparent bg European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA

Playground European Beer Star 2022 Gold European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA

" VandeStreek bier Playground nonalcoholic IPA wins the Gold medal in the European Beer Star competition as best new style nonalcoholic beer! The European Beer Star is one of the most prestigious and highly regarded international beer competitions, where the beers are tasted and judged by a panel consisting of 140 international Sommeliers, Brew masters and journalists. The competition is organized since 2004 by the German Association of Private Breweries and rates 2168 beers from 40 countries, who all aim to win this prestigious gold medal.

We are very proud to win this gold medal with our Playground Non alcoholic IPA and very proud to have it served in over 20 countries worldwide! "

VDS Playground 1 European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA
logo large transparent bg European Beer Star 2022 : Gold Medal - Vandestreek Playground IPA

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