Meet the team: Claire Blackler

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In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re pretty big on great service here at Le Verre Gourmand. Whether that’s sourcing the best wines from Argentina to (New) Zealand, producing ‘Cheat Sheets’ to help you and your team with the tricky business of wacky wine jargon, or attempting to stage a tasting in every nook and cranny of the Alps, if it helps you out, we’ll do it.

One thing that we particularly feel you love about the LVG service is the cracking training we offer and as ever we want to give you more of what you love. So we’ve bought back Claire Blackler, wine educator extraordinaire, to run wine workshops for your teams of merry waiters & waitresses, chalet boys & girls, cooks, cats. You name it, she’ll teach it – building your confidence and unraveling the complicated world of wine. She’s about as qualified as a wino can get; a Certified Educator for WSET, a member of the Association of Wine Educators and a student of the Institute of Masters of Wine, what she doesn’t know about booze quite frankly isn’t worth knowing.

Without further ado, meet Claire…


Where I Come From…

Sussex originally, I travelled for work and then moved to Scotland in 2005.

What I Do At LVG…

I run training workshops across the Alps in the lead up to the winter season, helping people understand a bit about the wines they’ll be serving. I’ll also be teaching people about wine service as well as answering any questions and hopefully building people’s confidence to work with and talk about wines.

My Background…

In 2005 I left behind a ten year career as a chemist in the Pharmaceutical industry and set up Case Studies Wine School. I provide wine training and development opportunities for businesses and individuals, professionals and enthusiasts in Scotland. Case Studies Wine School, has become a well-respected provider of WSET courses up to and including Level 3. I’ve worked with over 400 students from a wide range of backgrounds.

My Goal at LVG…

To spend a second pre-winter season with the fantastic LVG clients, giving them a little bit of information to help them serve their customers better.

What I Enjoy Most About The Job So Far…

Definitely the range of people you get to meet.

What I Get Up To Away From Work…

When I’m not talking/drinking/thinking about wine or football I’m cooking, eating, walking or skiing.

My Perfect Evening…

A glass of Sherry, a glass of Puligny-Montrachet, a glass of Amarone, finishing with a dram of Ardbeg.

The Best Wines In The World Are…

See above!

In case you hadn't noticed, we're pretty big on great service here at Le Verre Gourmand. Whether that's sourcing the best wines from Argentina to (New) Zealand, producing 'Cheat Sheets' to help you and your team with the tricky business of wacky wine jargon, or attempting to stage a tasting in every nook and cranny of the Alps, if it helps you out, we'll do it. One thing that we particularly feel you love about the LVG service is the cracking training we offer and as ever we want to give you more of what you love. So we've bought back Claire Blackler, wine educator extraordinaire, to run wine workshops for your teams of merry waiters & waitresses, chalet boys & girls, cooks, cats. You name it, she'll teach it - building your confidence and unraveling the complicated world of wine. She's about as qualified as a wino can get; a Certified Educator for WSET, a member of the Association of Wine Educators and a student of the Institute of Masters of Wine, what she doesn't know about booze quite frankly isn't worth knowing. Without further ado, meet Claire... screen-shot-2016-10-05-at-11-52-44

Where I Come From...

Sussex originally, I travelled for work and then moved to Scotland in 2005.

What I Do At LVG...

I run training workshops across the Alps in the lead up to the winter season, helping people understand a bit about the wines they'll be serving. I'll also be teaching people about wine service as well as answering any questions and hopefully building people's confidence to work with and talk about wines.

My Background...

In 2005 I left behind a ten year career as a chemist in the Pharmaceutical industry and set up Case Studies Wine School. I provide wine training and development opportunities for businesses and individuals, professionals and enthusiasts in Scotland. Case Studies Wine School, has become a well-respected provider of WSET courses up to and including Level 3. I’ve worked with over 400 students from a wide range of backgrounds.

My Goal at LVG...

To spend a second pre-winter season with the fantastic LVG clients, giving them a little bit of information to help them serve their customers better.

What I Enjoy Most About The Job So Far...

Definitely the range of people you get to meet.

What I Get Up To Away From Work...

When I’m not talking/drinking/thinking about wine or football I’m cooking, eating, walking or skiing.

My Perfect Evening...

A glass of Sherry, a glass of Puligny-Montrachet, a glass of Amarone, finishing with a dram of Ardbeg.

The Best Wines In The World Are...

See above!

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